Category Archives: etc

Snow White vs Elsa (Rap battle): Shery’s passion

PRINCESS RAP BATTLE: SNOW WHITE VS. ELSA Whitney Avalon (ft. Katja Glieson) *Explicit*

I found this video a month ago. I thought this was interesting because it is some kind of a spinoff of Disney princesses.

Shery is rapping right now beside me. She is practicing Snow White’s part. She is forcing me to writing that her rapping skill is so impressive. Shery is also showing off her boundy dancing skills. I hope she memorizes the lyrics so I can film it and post it 🙂

Good luck Shery!!!

우리 애기세리ㅠㅜㅠ

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Infinite Looper

Thesedays I use Youtube to listen to music.

Most of the times, I listen to the same song over and over again because I am too lazy to change the song. I usually choose the video that has 5~6 songs in it. I couldn’t bother to click on the replay button every time, so I found the site “Infinite Looper.” I thought this site might come handy to many people since a lot of students in my class listen to music on Youtube. 

This is the site!

You just simply type in the title of the song and search it, or you can copy and paste the link. There are a lot of sites that loops videos on Youtube, but I particularly like this one because you can also search with the link of the video. Sometimes, when you search on other sites (not Youtube) different results come out, thus it is hard to find the video that I wanted. With this site, you can find the video with Youtube and paste the link on Infinite Looper.

Enjoy! 🙂


Things I want to do right now

1. Go to cafes



Book cafes and study cafes would be nice place to go since I can drink coffees and concentrate on my work at the same time.



There are also unique cafes that have special themes. They are good places to rest and chat with your friends if you have time.

2. Eat!!!!!




These are macaroon ice creams and shops. Macaroon ice cream became a famous dessert recently, but the stores that sell the ice cream are not everywhere. They are mostly placed in Seoul. So I’m planning to go on an ice cream tour with my friend, Irene, and try macaroon ice cream as well!!!




떡볶이 is one of my favorite food and Koreans’ all time favorite dessert, too. I mostly eat 아딸 떡볶이, but I would love to try something new.



I looooove sweet desserts. Oddly, I’ve never been to a cafe that is specialized for desserts and cakes. I’m sure I can eat at least few pieces of cake, macaroons, maybe few pies, and beverages.

3. Watch plays with my friends



Last time that I watched a play/musical was about a year ago, so I’m dying to watch a playㅠㅠㅜ Plays in 대학로 are not that expensive, even for students, and very entertaining. Variety is another good factor of 대학로 plays. I’m really considering to watch one after the exam.

4. Sleep
Even though IB Program provides me education that I could never get from anywhere else, it sorta wears me off… I am so tired!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I want to go to Italy

I’ve never been to Europe.

Thesedays, I really want to travel somewhere. Anywhere that has a great view and wonderful food with people that I love.

It’s been a long time since I went on a trip, especially with my friends.
So I was reading something about traveling, I think it was a journal by a person who traveled to Italy.

And Venice is sooooooooooooo beautiful.



One of my classmates, Suhwa has been to Italy on this summer. She says it’s just fabulous.

(Irene says one word that describes Italy is ‘sexy’.)

I like how the buildings are so colorful, so the overall view looks like a landscape painting. It would be nice to visit Italy with my friends and take loads of pictures.

Another thing that I’m dying to do in Venice, is eating. (This makes me sound weird, but food in Venice looks so appetizing.)

Better showing than telling you.

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Yes. They make my mouth watery.

Sooner or later I will go to Venice.

Maybe after graduation, or maybe on one of the vacations.

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I moved! (My middle school life)

It has been about a month since I moved. I didn’t want to move because I won’t be able to see my friends very often. They were surprised to hear that I moved because I didn’t tell most of them. I still miss them so much. We are all busy doing school works, but we used to meet up after the exams were over or during vacations. I miss the time that we spent together.

This pic was taken last summer. Korean students will know how hot it is to stay at school without the AC on. And because of the government’s policy we couldn’t turn on the AC until the temperature was like 28…? I can’t remember, but it was extremely hot. So when they turn on the AC on lunch, we are packed under the AC like that which was pretty fun at the moment. If you look closely you can find me somewhere in there.

This photo was taken on the sports day. That weird costume was our 반티. We sucked at playing sports, so most of the time we just took photos and hung around the park. We did win 줄다리기, so I guess we did do something on that dayㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I have more pics, but I will share them later. I should be working now because I have a chemistry test on Tues.

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The reason WHY my blog title is TGIF


TGIF: Thank God It’s Friday.

One of my roomates (Katlyne: is this spelling right? I’m so sorry 지혜♥) and I are known for sleeping a lot and home-lovers. We are constantly talking about how much we want to go home since Tuesday. *(Sometimes on Mondays and Sundays as well.) So when Friday comes, we are literally jumping up and down, so happy and desperate to go home. Best expression for that situation is obviously: TGIF